
Training Course

Jquery Animation

Your kids will learning jquery, css, html that enable photo and video sliding, style, pausing and intervals in websites. The following course is a monthly pay for 2 days a week and 1.5hrs a day, throughtout the year.

Your kids will learning jquery, css, html that enable photo and video sliding, style, pausing and intervals in websites. JQuery is a popular JavaScript library that simplifies the process of creating dynamic web pages and interactive user interfaces. As a junior high student learning jQuery, you will gain knowledge of fundamental web development concepts such as event handling, animation, and AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). You'll learn how to use jQuery to manipulate HTML elements, respond to user interactions, and make AJAX requests to web servers. jQuery is a powerful and widely-used tool in the industry, and learning it will help you become a more efficient and effective web developer. With jQuery, you can create visually appealing and highly-functional web pages with ease. Overall, learning jQuery is an important step towards mastering JavaScript and becoming a proficient web developer.