To create a professional website, we need JavaScript, JQuery, PHP and somany other web development tools. We offer online and fast track course in Java Scripting.
A comprehensive JavaScript and jQuery training course should cover the following topics:
Introduction to JavaScript: Understanding the basics of JavaScript, including variables, data types, operators, and control structures.
Functions and Objects: Creating and using functions and objects in JavaScript, including function expressions, function declarations, and object literals.
DOM Manipulation: Accessing and manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) using JavaScript, including selecting elements, modifying attributes, and creating new elements.
Events: Handling events in JavaScript, including mouse events, keyboard events, and form events.
Debugging and Testing: Debugging and testing JavaScript code using browser tools and testing frameworks.
Introduction to jQuery: Understanding the basics of jQuery, including selectors, DOM manipulation, and event handling.
jQuery Effects and Animations: Using jQuery to create effects and animations, including fading, sliding, and toggling.
jQuery Plugins: Using jQuery plugins to extend and enhance the functionality of websites, including image galleries, form validation, and sliders.
AJAX: Using AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to create dynamic web pages that update without reloading the entire page.
JSON: Understanding the basics of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and how to use it in web development.
Advanced JavaScript: Advanced concepts in JavaScript, including closures, hoisting, and the prototype chain.
ECMAScript 6 (ES6): Understanding and using new features in ES6, including arrow functions, template literals, and classes.
Overall, a good JavaScript and jQuery training course should provide a solid foundation in JavaScript, as well as cover other important topics like jQuery, AJAX, and JSON. It should also include hands-on exercises and projects to help students practice and apply what they have learned.