
Training Course

Web Coding HTML Beginners

Your kids will be learning basic programing concept, and basic coding. Starting learning codes and coding ideas in a age of 7-9 years, 10-14 years, 15-10 years old is an big assets for furture IT software development. The following course is a monthly pay for 2 days a week and 1.5hrs a day, throughtout the year.

Your kids will be learning basic programing concept, and basic coding. Starting learning codes and coding ideas in a age of 7-9 years old, 10-14 years, 15-10 years is an big assets for furture IT software development. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the foundation of web development and is essential for creating web pages. As a junior high student learning HTML, you will gain knowledge of basic web design principles such as text formatting, document structure, and linking. You'll learn how to use HTML tags to structure the content of a web page and create hyperlinks to other pages and resources. HTML is a simple and intuitive language to learn, and mastering it will provide a solid foundation for further web development skills. With HTML, you can create web pages that are accessible and easy to navigate for users. Overall, learning HTML is an important first step towards becoming a proficient web developer.