
Training Course

WordPress Custom Theme Development

We offer Advanced WordPress Web Development Training. You will be able create a custom theme install it and learn database connection, plugins, security and basic and advanced WordPress SEO system.

Digital Marketing Institute & Training Center offers online, fast track, short term course in  Advanced WordPress Web Development Training. You will be able create a custom theme, istall it and learn database connection, plugins, security and basic and advanced WordPress SEO system.

WordPress is known to be the most in-demand open-source Content Management System in the world. Most people agree because it is both free and easy to use. With access to the internet, coupled with efficient technology, anyone could install it at any rate. Having a WordPress website is indeed one of the best options in businesses promotions. And aside from those business opportunities, it also enables people to share their stories with the world.  So are you interested in publishing a blog or making a website using WordPress? Therefore, this WordPress Web Development Training is for you. At Calgary Digital Marketing Training, we aim to give you the training that would be beneficial for you most especially when it comes to WordPress Web Development.

Here's a comprehensive syllabus for WordPress training:

  1. Introduction to WordPress

    • Overview of WordPress
    • Features and benefits of WordPress
    • vs
  2. WordPress Installation and Setup

    • WordPress hosting options
    • Installing WordPress on your web server or local computer
    • Basic configuration of WordPress
  3. WordPress Dashboard

    • Navigating the WordPress dashboard
    • Managing user roles and permissions
    • Customizing the dashboard
  4. WordPress Themes

    • Overview of WordPress themes
    • Installing and activating themes
    • Customizing themes using the WordPress Customizer
  5. WordPress Plugins

    • Overview of WordPress plugins
    • Installing and activating plugins
    • Best practices for using plugins
  6. WordPress Posts and Pages

    • Creating and editing posts and pages
    • Formatting text and adding media
    • Managing comments
  7. WordPress Media Library

    • Uploading and managing media files
    • Using images and videos in WordPress
    • Optimizing media files for the web
  8. WordPress Categories and Tags

    • Understanding categories and tags
    • Creating and managing categories and tags
    • Best practices for using categories and tags
  9. WordPress Widgets and Menus

    • Using widgets to add functionality to your site
    • Creating custom menus
    • Optimizing your site's navigation
  10. WordPress Custom Post Types and Taxonomies

  • Overview of custom post types and taxonomies
  • Creating custom post types and taxonomies
  • Using custom post types and taxonomies to organize content
  1. WordPress Security
  • Best practices for securing your WordPress site
  • Configuring user roles and permissions
  • Protecting against common WordPress security threats
  1. WordPress Performance Optimization
  • Optimizing your WordPress site for speed and performance
  • Caching techniques and content delivery networks (CDNs)
  • Minimizing HTTP requests and optimizing images
  1. WordPress SEO
  • Overview of search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Optimizing your WordPress site for search engines
  • Using SEO plugins like Yoast SEO
  1. WordPress eCommerce
  • Overview of eCommerce in WordPress
  • Installing and configuring eCommerce plugins like WooCommerce
  • Creating and managing products and orders
  1. WordPress Multisite
  • Overview of WordPress multisite
  • Creating and managing a WordPress multisite network
  • Best practices for managing multiple sites on a single installation
  1. WordPress Customization and Development
  • Creating custom WordPress themes
  • Building custom WordPress plugins
  • Using the WordPress REST API for custom development

This syllabus covers a wide range of topics that are essential for learning WordPress. You can adjust the depth and complexity of each topic based on your level of expertise and training needs.